
Verenso, the Dutch Association of Elderly Care Physicians is a non-profit organization of over 2.000 members. Our main objective is to improve the health, independence and quality of life of frail elderly people. This is achieved by proactively responding to developments in health care and society by developing guidelines and policies, by lobbying, and by providing services to our members.

The board  consists of professional elderly care physicians mrs. J.K. (Jacqueline) de Groot, mrs. A.M.S. (Anne) Belonje, mr. J.C.M. (Jan) Lavrijsen,  and mrs. N. (Nanda) Hauet, director. Jacqueline de Groot is also chairman of the board and represents the association.

Supervisory board
From 1 January 2006, Verenso works officially with a supervisory board. This board supervises and monitors the policy outlines and their execution. The board consists of elderly care physicians and social geriatricians. The members of the board are appointed by the General Assembly of Members of Verenso.

The association has 18 regions. Each Verenso member is also a region member and is entitled to participate in regional meetings and activities. These meetings deal with professional and management issues and are used as a sounding board for both supervisory board and board of directors. Having its own management, the regions play an important role in implementing Verenso’s policy.

General Assembly of Members
Being the association’s highest organ, the assembly determines the policy outlines. They submit the policies, vision documents, budget and annual account to its members for agreement. Every year, in spring and autumn, Verenso organizes assemblies of members for the occupational group.

The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG)
Verenso is federation partner of The Royal Dutch Medical Association (KNMG). The Royal Dutch Medical Association is the professional organization for Dutch doctors. Since 1999 the RDMA has become a federation of medical practitioners’ professional associations.

European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS)
Verenso is officially a member of the European Geriatric Medicine Society (EuGMS) as of January 1, 2025. This membership offers elderly care physicians the opportunity to participate in and contribute to the further development of the specialty within an international context.